The city of Passau, where three rivers coverge and the Danube rolls onward was our denoument, and we had a great long weekend and were lucky once again with the fair weather. The natives were very friendly and distinctive--I was not quite able to name what it was that colored this region differently than our own part of Bavaria.
Monday, 6 September 2010
freistoot boarn
H and I took out the Bulli Camper for maybe the last trip of the season and drove through the lush and scenic Bayerische Wald to the outer-most reaches of the Free State. Along the way, we stopped at Walhalla, the hall of national heroes and cultural treasures. King Ludwig who had this monument, a hall of busts of the greatest German contributers to the arts, science and state-craft, commissioned had a fondness for all things classically Greek and inserted the rather foreign Ypsilon into the German language--as in Bayern.