3 quarks daily | science arts philosophy politics literature
abecedarian | one-letter words
aeon magazine | ideas and culture
amusing planet
the art room plant by Hazel Terry
asimov press
ask the past | advice from old books
astra magazine
atlas obscura | curious and wondrous travel destinations
the avocado | home of the Austin Freaks
bad astronomy with Phil Plait
better living through Beowulf | how great literature can change your life
biblio odyssey [archived]
BLDG blog
bob canada’s blog world
the calvert journal | a guide to the new east
collectors’ weekly
colossal | art + design
coudal partners, curating the Museum of On-Line Museums
curbed | love where you live
the curious brain
curious british telly
damn interesting | science, history & psychology since 2005
dangerous minds
dark roasted blend | weird & wonderful things
deezen | architecture and art magazine
deutsche welle | mind for minds
diamond geezer
doctor caligari’s cabinet
duck soup
electric lit | read into everything
the everlasting blört
fancy notions | etiquette, superstition, ephemera
{feuilleton} | a journal by artist and designer John Coulhart
the futility closet | an idler’s miscellany of compendious amusements
Seth Godin’s blog
grammarphobia | grammar, etymology, usage, and more brought to you by Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman
grist | a planet that doesn’t burn, a future that doesn’t suck

hyperallergic | sensitive to art and its discontents
imperica [archived]
i.webthings | curated by joe jenett
just a car guy | cool things with wheels since 2006
jwz blog
kicks condor | leeching and linking in the hypertext kingdom [Seized by the US government]
austin kleon
kottke | home of fine hypertext products
kuriositas | be in your element
laughing squid
literary hub | the best of the literary internet
the linkfest: a weekly newsletter from Clive Thompson
lowering the bar | serious legal humour
the map room | a weblog about maps
maps mania
marginal revolution | small steps toward a much better world
married to the sea
mcsweeney’s | internet tendency
memo of the air | Marco McClean’s Good Night Radio
messy nessy chic | cabinet of chic curiosities
mind hacks
miss cellania | what... you think this is funny?
the morning news
muckrock | file, track and share public records requests
my modern met | share | inspire | connect
mysterious universe
nag on the lake
naked capitalism | fearless commentary on finance, economics, politics and power
nautilus | science connected
the neglected books page
nerds with knives | cooking and geekery in equal measure
the neurocritic
new lines magazine
the nib | political cartoons, journalism, essay and memoir all in comic form [archived]
non-boring history by Annette Laing
the onion | america’s finest news source
open culture | the best free cultural & educational media on the web
OxfordWords Blog [re-branded as Lexico]
pasa bon!
the philosophers’ magazine
pluralistic | daily links from Cory Doctorow
poseidon’s underword | pop culture and movie memories
present /&/ correct | sundries for the modern workplace
the presurfer | your daily dose of diversion †
the public domain review
the reykjavík grapevine
sentence first | an Irishman’s blog about the English language
shady characters | the secret life of punctuation from Keith Houston
the new shelton wet/dry | what matter who is speaking
shorpy | the American historical photo archive
the sixth tone | fresh voices from today’s China
slash dot | news for nerds, stuff that matters
space weather
der spiegel international
spoon & tamago | japanese art, design and culture
spyvibe | 1960s style in action
strange company | a walk on the weird side of history
super punch
tedium | the dull side of the internet
things magazine
twisted sifter | art, architecture, travel and picture of the day
tywkiwdbi | things you would not know if we did not blog intermittently
undark | truth, beauty, science
universe today | space and astronomy news
unknown playwrights | where unknown playwrights become known
the verge
vintage everyday | bring back some good or bad memories
web curios
weird universe
our little travel blog [archived]
deco time [archived]